COTA Watch is a monthly webinar series where we invite experts and those with lived experience to talk about a range of topics of interest to our supporters.

To find out what’s coming up, click here.

Webinar – The Highs and Lows of Pet Ownership

In 2023, national animal welfare charity Companion Animal Network Australia completed a Survey on the Status of Pets in Aged Care facilities and at home.

The results tell us that 86% of older adults with pets, experience improved mental and physical health.

This month we'll be discussing how owning pets impacts us physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually as we age.

Webinar – Talking about end-of-life care and support

“Seventy per cent of Australians want to die at home yet only 14 per cent do so. Dying in Australia is more institutionalised than in most countries...”

Dying Well Report – Grattan Institute
When we are preparing for the birth of a child there is usually so much to do. We talk, we plan, we share our concerns and excitement. Our loved ones are usually involved. We attend classes, gobble up all information we can, choose our birthing and care options. It is how it should be.
When it comes to end of life care there is a hush. It’s as if having the conversation will bring about death more quickly. In this session we will discuss how Australians plan for and experience end of life care. We will talk about what conversations you need to have, where to get advice and the palliative care choices available to enable you to have the end of life care you choose.

Webinar – Making friends in older age

As we age, finding meaningful friendships is important for our health and wellbeing. For some, changes in their life circumstances can mean that it is difficult to maintain existing friendships or develop new ones.

Webinar – Ageing as a First Nations Elder

NAIDOC week is an opportunity to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year's theme recognises the importance of older people within First Nations communities - they are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, and leaders.

Webinar – Older Drivers

As we get older we experience physical, cognitive and mental changes that can impact on our ability to drive. Ageing does not automatically mean you stop being an experienced or safe driver.

Get involved with COTA campaigns

COTA NSW is working with older people in NSW to speak about their concerns and needs, and make sure their voices are heard.