Our community speakers are ready to visit (or zoom!) your group
Our trained community speakers can provide talks on a range of topics (see below) for your group in-person or online.
We aim to help older people to make good decisions based on clear information. We know that people don’t like to be lectured, so we make sure that our talks are informal, interactive and entertaining for the people who attend. With one of our community speakers, you will hear about topics that relate to you and the rest of your group in everyday language.
If you would like a speaker to come to your group (or provide a talk by Zoom), please fill in this form and we’ll be only too happy to discuss your requirements.
We will be holding more training for Community Speakers – please email community.speakers@cotansw.com.au if you are interested.
Preventing energy hardship
This talk was developed in conjunction with Energy Consumers Australia and covers energy provision, how to reduce energy costs and how to negotiate better deals with energy providers. (60 minutes, including time for questions and discussion)
Planning ahead
This talk covers when and how to talk about the end of your life, palliative care, and the importance of planning ahead documents such as Wills, Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship and Advance Care Directives. (40 minutes, including time for questions and discussion)
Ageing well
This presentation focuses on the evidence-based things we can do to stay fit and healthy for as long as possible. This isn’t medical advice, but it will give you good starting information, and some tips on where to go from there. (45 minutes, including time for questions and discussion)
The challenge of downsizing
The pros and cons of downsizing your home, how to approach de-cluttering and reducing your possessions, and issues to consider when selecting and buying or renting a new property.
Our trained community speakers provide talks on a range of topics
Energy, planning, funerals, ageing well, aged care, home care, downsizing, and more.